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Post Racial Society? Social Media Tells All

Social Media has been steadily taking over the world for the last couple decades. From Facebook, to Twitter, to Snapchat, and Instagram, people all over the world have been connected like never before. While this is seen as highly progressive step towards a more connected society, many people have not yet learned that the opinions they put online are there for EVERYONE to see. This online world creates an opportunity for a completely different reality from the one that has already been created in person. In this new reality, a different of public is formed and often times, this public is weak with little reasonable discussion between the differing realms of the online public sphere.

People have a tendency to keep certain opinions to themselves in order to avoid being typecast as a social deviant, at least in person they do. Online many people say whatever comes to mind without much thought of consequences. Unfortunately many of these unfiltered thoughts come out as much less “politically correct”, and are often times down right racist. Behind the computer screen many of these people feel safer expressing their socially deviant views and this expression often causes a clash with those who denounce bigotry and racial discrimination. However, because both of these sides are so on the extreme level there is very little positive communication taking place. The positive aspect of this public debate is the fact that because these arguments are often seen on the moments tab of twitter, or shared one thousand times on Facebook, it is much harder for people to claim that racism is no longer an issue in the nation.

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