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No One Should Have to Eat Alone!

Inspired by Denis Estimon, an Haitian immigrant, felt isolated when he first started school in the first grade.

When he reached high school he came up with the idea and started a club called: "We Dine Together." Anytime he would see a student eating alone, he would go and sit with this student and start a conversation. He says that hundreds of friendships have formed. Just think what a difference this makes in a child's life. He is an inspiration to us all and someone we can learn from on how to make a difference. (, Hartman Steve, High Schooler Spreads the Message that Nobody Should Dine Alone)

This act of kindness could be considered a fitting response to the issue of ostracizing people who are "different" in American Society. If more people took the time to do simple acts of kindness for others there would be a lot more love going around, and a lot less hate tearing apart society.

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Here on The American Reality we aim to explore the honesty behind the concept of the American Dream. We want to expose the exclusivity of success in America, and use this truth to inspire the American people to come together as inclusive group accepting of all those willing to accept others. 
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