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What Would Maya Do?

When we bring up topics such as ethnocentrism and racism people often turn off their ears, because the thought of trying to fix such huge problems becomes immensely over whelming . However, not dealing with these issues seems to create more animosity within society. Clearly, this hatred has yet to bring about any positive change and only creates more problems for those who were trying to avoid them in the first place. By looking towards leaders in the equality and peace movements, such as Maya Angelou, we are able to get some sense of what it is going to to take to bring about a solution that actually works. If we keep in mind that peace starts with me, peace starts with you, and hate ends with me, and hate ends with you, then we can learn to all be at peace together.

Be apart of the solution, not apart of the problem.

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Here on The American Reality we aim to explore the honesty behind the concept of the American Dream. We want to expose the exclusivity of success in America, and use this truth to inspire the American people to come together as inclusive group accepting of all those willing to accept others. 
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